Warmington Nouveau


The Nouveau Outdoor Open Wood Fire is the ideal entry-level fireplace if you need an outdoor fire and your primary need is heat and ambience.

It has a huge operating window that gives a incredible view of the flickering flames and fast heating of your entertainment area. The narrow ashpan & grate design allows air to enter either side of the fire, concentrating the fire in the centre, which makes it hotter.

The stainless steel flange, base, and a stainless steel weathershield make it weather resistant.

Cooking accessories can be purchased separately if you decide to add side racks and a BBQ grill later, upgrading it to the Nouveau BBQ.

It is the perfect choice if you are looking for a quality, cost-effective fire.

Sizes: (width)

- Single Flue: 900-1100-1250-1500mm
- Double Flue: 1100-1250-1500-1800-2000mm


- 30 Years industry experience
- Designed for standard building practices & building code
- Designed for & AUS efficiency, emissions & safety clearance regulations
- Individually made to order
- Bespoke & Highly Customisable
- IANZ-approved Test Lab
- An extensive range of models and sizes are available

Key Features:

- Base model for heating only
- Covered holes to add cooking accessories in the future
- Stainless steel flange & base (painted black)
- Customisable flue offset adapter options providing design freedom
- Two grate options (Traditional or Classic)
- Available in Boiler grade steel (painted black) or Stainless Steel (painted black)
- Stainless Steel weather shield included
- Optional built-in gas log lighter avaliable for easy ignition

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