Absolute Essential Lice X 10ml

Eradicate & Protect Against Headlice.

Botanical Name or Ingredients
Eucalyptus Australiana (organic), Lemonmint, Peppermint (organic), May Chang (organic), Citronella (organic).

A safe recipe of active essential oils for effective lice erradication. Safe for children & during pregnancy. Use as directed. Available as an Intensive Wash or as a Pure Blend for use as a preventative. Pure Blend contains: Eucalyptus , Lemonmint, Peppermint , May Chang , Citronella , while in Shampoo the Pure Blend is combined with an all natural plant-based wash.

Head Lice Eradication -Repeated treatment kills head lice.

Head Lice Protection -Use once a week by adding a few drops to the conditioner, repels head lice.
Waimarino Natural Health
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