Carpodetus serratus Putaputāwētā


Drainage: Damp Well Drained Growth: Medium Height Range: 5 Site Conditions: Frost Tolerant Heavy Soil Loamy Soil Spread Range: 4 Sunlight: Full Sun Partial Shade Features: Attractive Flowers Attractive foliage Attractive to bees Attractive to Birds Attractive to insects Category: Trees Tags: Bird Attractor, coastal, evergreen, flowering shrub

- Description
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Carpodetus serratus, also known as Putaputāwētā is an evergreen tree endemic and widespread through the North, South and Stewart Islands. The tree is naturally found growing in coastal to montane (to an altitude of 1050m) sites including beech forest, stream sides and forest margins. This tree prefers moist broadleaf and beech forests. It also frequently occurs in secondary forest, forest margins and along streams.

Often found in plant communities in Canterbury that include but are not limited to Kahikatea, Fuchsia excorticata, Pennantia corymbosa, and Aristotelia serrata.

Wai-ora Forest Landscapes
$3.50 $3.15
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