Essential Oil Rosemary 12ml

100% pure Essential Oil of Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) Organic Certified essential oil for the same price as regular essential oil. Packaged in dark glass to protect oil from deterioration with a dripulator plug to allow for dispensing by the drop. Uses: Inhalations, baths and massage. Inhale from a handkerchief to clear headaches and fatigue. In massage it stimulates the lymphatic system. Therapeutic effects: Rosemary Oil is a good stimulant, especially for the circulation and memory. Also helps alopecia, bronchitis, burns, colds, dandruff, diarrhoea, flatulence, headaches and obesity. Origins: First favoured by the Egytptians, rosemary was popular with the Greeks and Romans who believed it symbolised love and death. During the plague it was burned in fire places and worn around the next for its antiseptic qualities. Cautionary note with regards to Rosemary Oil: Use in low concentrations, as excessive doses may bring about epileptic fits or convulsions. Do not use in early pregn...
Viola Organics
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