Savvy Touch Glide +


his 100% natural balm is a "must have" for all sports people and especially runners (chafe areas, blisters, shin splints) cyclists the best chamois balm, Tri athletes love it one balm for all disciplines. (100% wetsuit safe will not damage clothing)

Massage therapists, "scrapers", Physiotherapists absolutely love the Glide to "work" with. Like all savvy Touch products it is super concentrated. A little goes a long way. You are not constantly having to re-apply product it is just keeps Gliding Over the skin

Mums, baby adores the smell & feel of Glide as a barrier balm. Super light on the skin Ideal for “dribble rash" also

- As a “barrier" balm it protects and aids in natural healing of the skin
- It is completely safe for ALL even the MOST sensitive areas.
- Babies adore the super soft feel of the product & the smell of the Aniseed oil.
- A must have if you suffer from chafing.
- Therapists it will become your favorite balm

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