Dracaena Marginata Bicolour Tripple Planted 4.5L


The mystical Madagascar Dracaena Marginata, also known as Dragon Tree, got its name from an ancient legend where Hercules conquered the 100-headed dragon at the gates of the Garden of Hesperides. Legend goes that Dragon Trees grew anywhere where the dragon’s blood spilled. As Dragon Tree grows tall, the trunk becomes bare as bottom leaves shed in order to direct energy for new growth on top, giving it its indoor tree-like feel. Its eye-catching sword-like leaves are edged with fiery red streaks.

Position - Indoors, medium to high indirect light.

Planting - Using potting mix, replant into a pot twice as large, with drainage holes. Water so soil is moist.

Care - Water sparingly, let dry out before re watering. Repot in spring. Feed Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Urban Lush
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