HX35W T3 Twin Scroll turbo internal wastegate


Brand New - Turbo Bits
Model: HX35W
Bearing System: Journal bearing
Flange: T3 Twin Inlet
Compressor: A/R.70 - Anti Surge
Turbine: 8cm - 76mm V-Band
Engine size: 2.5L to 5.0L Petrol, Good size for plus T Diesel around 6.0L

More Details:

Featuring the twin scroll turbine for a faster spool up. With the 8cm exhaust housing its well suited to 6 cylinder diesel engines as a single turbo up to 7000cc for those looking to add a turbo to a NA diesel engine. This could be run on larger displacement 6 and 8 cylinder petrol engines for those looking for a high HP internally wastegated turbo. Feel free to to discuss the best set up for your application we have lots of different options and sizes in stock.


Turbo Bits
TURBO - HX35W 4029160
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