Pencil Sets: Te Reo Māori


A set of 6 x 2B hexagon wooden pencils with positive kīwaha in te reo Māori with English translations in its own beautiful packaging. The 6 pencils are in various shades - please see images for references.

Each set contains 6 pencils with the different phrases on them:

Me Atawhai - Be Kind Set

- Me atawhai - Be kind
- Mauria te Pono – Believe in yourself
- E anga whakamua – Keep moving forward
- Kia kōtiri te haere - One day at a time
- He tīmatanga hou – Make a new start
- Whakaaro ngākau pai – Think positive

Me he tē - Like a Boss

- Manawa rere - Hustle
- Ka taea, ka tutuki - I can, I will
- Me he tē - Like a Boss
- Mahia - Get it done
- Kei a koe - You Got this
- Ka moemoeā, ka mahi - Dream it, Do it

Ngā rā o te wiki - Days of the week

- Mane / Monday
- TÅ«rei / Tuesday
- Wenerei / Wednesday
- Tāite / Thursday
- Paraire / Friday
- Rā Whakatā / Weekend

Kiwaha - Sayings

- Mea rawa ake/ Next minute
- Ka mau te wehi / That's amazing

- Hoea to waka / Go fot it

- Mahi tika ana / Great work

- Miharo / Remarkable

- Kia tau / Calm down

Game changer

- Game changer
- Thanks for the pātai sissy
- I gotchu
- How you feeling māmā
- Adulting today
- Get it

Tuhi Stationery
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