Training: UBC- Ultimate Branding Course

What is this Course?

UBC - stands for the Ultimate Branding Course. It comprehensively covers the world of social media management, building a personal and/or business brand, and digital marketing. It is training I wish I had done much earlier in my business journey but I didn't understand its importance and mistakenly thought that social media was 'just for the young ones' and didnt really impact my business. Wow..showing my age and lack of understanding about current trends and marketing - that affects everyone, regardless of age!

As the course is an MRR (read more about that below) I can re-sell it for others. MRR was a completely foreign concept to me as someone who has lectured university papers and also created online courses - but it seems like we are finally catching up with this new type of learning down under that is disrupting many industries worldwide!

Please refer the product images for of all 26 modules or watch this video.

I highly recommend this course, not just for its content, but also the ability to resell it via MRR - so you are purchasing an asset, it is not a one off cost as you are learning to grow your business.

I have spent almost $20,000 on training since starting my business 5 years ago - never ever having the ability to resell or re-use, or even get a commission for any of that training, it has all been one off costs in the business. So getting my head around MRR being a legitimate model used worldwide..honestly took a lot to get my skeptical mind around,

This is long, because I'm guessing, like me - a lot of Kiwis & Ozzies just wont understand how this works and will keep thinking its a scam..until you actually buy the course, learn from it, love it, and then surprise yourself by selling it to someone else at the full cost you bought it at!. Yes, the difference between a cost to your business, and buying an asset for your business that you can actually learn from, then make money from! A Gamechanger.

Time to catch up with how the rest of the world is doing online training! Who is this course for?

This course is for you if:

- You have an existing business, or considering starting one
- You want to build a powerful brand & social media presence
- You want to increase sales for your existing or new online business or existing or new digital products
- You're looking for an additional stream of income through MRR
- You want to learn how to make $$$ online with or without showing your face

In addition, I highly recommend this course for existing business owners in my generation..ahem..anyone born in any of the 1900s, lol, because for so many of us, we are not fully utilising social media because we often just don't understand it, and we think we are too old for it! We are NOT, we just have not had everything explained to us very well, often by our impatient children!. I have personally learnt so much through this course, but one big takeaway for me - is no longer fearing social media, thinking I'm too old, I cant understand it, I need to pay others to do it for me, I'm not cool enough!. Sound familiar?

Doing this course taught me a ton of shortcuts, ways I can get around the things that make me uncomfortable, ways I can be more efficient in social media, what mistakes I didn't realise I was doing & how do do things well, once, not 100 times over.

Its time to upskill so that the real you shines through in your personal brand and social media. I bet you have a lot to contribute, a great personality, insights to share, a great product or service - and you just need a little help learning ways to share all the great stuff a little better! Why do I love this course?

In my opinion this course ticks the 3Cs in quality; Content, Creators & Community.

- Content is very good, it is hosted on SKOOL, which is skyrocketing in popularity nowadays as one of the best platforms for learning and building communities - no more separate groups, everything is on one platform. The course is excellent value for money, lots of easy to digest content that you can actually action immediately. I have done so much training in the past where I thought I would eventually action things and never did - until this course,
- Creators are very knowledgeable, you can see their large social media followings and how they put into practice what they teach. They are young vibrant Millennials, the short videos in the training course are very easy to watch, you will not get bored - but you may be like me and binge watch half in one session like its a Netflix series or something - they are really fun to watch!
- Community - The course has a very active community online (30,000 ) and the community forum is very active so you can ask questions and

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