Ambre Scented Decorative Bouquet Diffuser


Extend the journey in your home by mixing olfactory pleasure and decorative pleasure.

Estéban gave birth to the Amber fragrance more than 20 years ago. This perfume, a true brand icon with a citrus-amber fragrance, honors amber, a precious, historic resin and a key asset in perfume.

The Ambre scented candle and the Amber d’Estéban scented bouquet are in the colors of the Orient, a bright yellow, some golden touches to sublimate the beauty of the perfume.

- Permanent cold diffusion
- Sticks and perfumes refillable to infinity
- Ceramic cover
- Bottle 100 ml
- Ambery-citrus perfume
- Vegetal sticks 22 cm
- Vegetal alcohol, phtalate-free

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