Catan (5th Edition) - Base Game


Welcome to the world of Catan – a beautiful and uncharted island rich innatural resources. You and your fellow settlers must build, trade, andstrategize your way to supremacy on Catan. This fifth edition of the game boastsnew artwork, redesigned components, and streamlined rules for a more intuitivegameplay experience.

To begin, players build the game board using hexagonal terrain tiles,creating a unique island with mountains, pastures, hills, fields, and forests.Each player starts with two small settlements on spaces where three terrainhexes meet, and the game begins with the roll of two dice. The number rolledcorresponds to the resources that each player receives from the terrain hexesadjacent to their settlements.

With these resources, players can build roads and new settlements or upgradetheir existing settlements to cities. Each settlement is worth 1 victory point,and each city is worth 2 victory points. The first player to reach 10 victorypoints wins the game.

But it's not just about building – trading and strategy are also keycomponents of the game. Resources are traded among players, and players mustskillfully manage their resources to succeed.

With its beautiful design, easy-to-learn rules, and endless strategicpossibilities, Catan is a classic game that has stood the test of time. Whetheryou're a seasoned veteran or a new player, you'll find endless hours of fun andexcitement on the shores of Catan.

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