Catan: Traveler


Was it too windy on the beach for a game of CATAN? Was the table toosmall to set up the island? Were you unable to settle CATAN because there wereonly two of you? Or did you always have to leave CATAN at home because there wasno room left for it in your suitcase?

CATAN – Traveler would have prevented all this fromhappening.

CATAN – Traveler is based on the same rules as the CATAN base game, its“big brother." At the beginning of the game, you and your opponents eachbuild 2 settlements on the island of Catan. If the numbers of the terrain hexesyour settlements are adjacent to are rolled, you receive resources. You usethese resources – ore, brick, grain, lumber, and wool – to build roads inorder to reach new settlement sites, to upgrade your settlements to cities, orbuy development cards so you can, at the right moment, turn the tide in yourfavor. If you lack a particular resource type, you trade with your opponents. Ifyou trade cleverly and have a little bit of luck, you have a good chance to winthe game.

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