Catan: Explorers & Pirates Expansion


This expansion is not a standalone game. Requires the CATAN base gameto play.

This CATAN expansion is entirely dedicated to exploration!

Sent out by the Council of Catan, you set out for uncharted areas to buildnew outposts. The sketchy information available indicates that dangerous piratelairs, rich fishing grounds, and helpful indigenous villages await you beyondthe horizon.

To set up the game, you need the game components from the CATAN base game aswell as new frame pieces and hexes from the expansion. This provides you with aquite large game board, allowing you to go on exciting journeys of explorationand discover new land.

The Explorers & Pirates expansion is based on the CATAN base game rulesbut also contains a number of new game mechanisms. For example, ships are nowequipped for expeditions and can be moved freely across the board. In the shipsyou transport settlers, crews, fish, or spices across the seas. Your goal is tobuild new outposts on the islands that are still undiscovered and to completethe Council of Catan's missions in the most skillful way possible.

Your missions are varied. First, you must prevail against pirates whoterrorize the coasts of Catan. Equip your ships with crews and search for thepirates' lairs. The Council of Catan rewards the bravest fighters with fameand gold.

On your way, you will encounter rich shoals of fish just waiting to be hauledaboard your ship. If you bring the fish back to the home island, the Council ofCatan rewards you.

Finally, you will encounter peaceful and helpful villagers who trade valuablespices to you. The Council of Catan will be delighted yet again when you deliverspices to their stronghold. You also benefit from the villagers' extensiveknowledge and will learn how to sail faster across the seas or how to betterfight the pirate ships.

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