UNLOCK! Escape Adventures (Card Game)


UNLOCK! is a series of escape adventures for up to sixplayers. With one hour on the clock, players must work through a deck of sixtycards as a team, searching for clues, combining objects, and solving puzzles.The free UNLOCK! companion app runs the timer while providing clues, offeringhints, and confirming successes. Once the team has reached a solution andentered the correct code into the app, they win the game!

Unlock! Escape Adventures includes three separate scenarios for you toexplore:

- In “The Formula", you enter a secret laboratory torecover a mysterious serum that has been developed by a scientist. Will yousolve all the riddles and get out in less than an hour?
- In “Squeek & Sausage", you need to thwart the plansof the despicable Professor Noside!
- In “The Island of Doctor Goorse", you must visit theisland of an eccentric antique collector billionaire and overcomeits traps!
- An included ten-card tutorial allows you to learn how to play withoutreading the game rules.

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

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