Science to the Max: Regrow Lab

The Science to the Max range is all about teaching children the wonders ofthe world of science Education, toys to learn, but at the same time making surethat they have a fun time. As this is the Regrow Lab, this is all about teachingchildren about sustainability don’t throw it, regrow it? is what the sloganfor this set is.
The idea is that children will be able to grow all kinds of tasty food fromthe leftovers that are normally tossed into the bin. From strawberries to leaks,this set will teach them all the basics that they need to know to grow their ownsustainable food! What makes this Science To The Max – Regrow Lab such agreat set is that this is a very useful skill for a child to learn. It will helpthem develop a better appreciation for the environment and it will make themfeel good knowing that they are doing their own little bit to help the planet.The set comes with a fun regrow station that features many different pieces ofequipment (18 in total) that will help them get the best out of that regrowstation.
- Science & Fun all- in-one
- Grow and learn
- Explore the world around us
Suitable for Ages 6