Tobar: Magnetic Mathematic Rings


Magnetic Mathematic Rings by Tobar is an excellent tool for learning aboutequations and algebra. It consists of magnetic rings that come in variouscolours. Each ring has numbers and mathematical symbols around their edges. Therings can be arranged in any order, giving people the flexibility to createnumerous mathematical equations. Create a mathematical problem and either solveit yourself or give to a friend to solve.


- Excellent tool for learning about numbers
- 6 Magnetic rings consisting of 4 x rings of numbers (0–9), 1 x ring ofoperators (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and 1 x ring of relationshipsymbols (equal, greater than, less than and approximately e­qual)
- Rings can be arranged in any order
- Flexibility to create numerous mathematical equations
- Rings are magnetic and indented so they lock into place

Toy Titans
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