Bluey: Mini Bluey Home Playset


Recreate some of the most memorable moments from Bluey in the MiniBluey Home playset.

Smaller in size but big in features, this fun-filled playset is full ofdetails. There is plenty of space for Bluey to play with three differentrooms – a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom – and many pieces of removablefurniture, including a bed, two chairs, a table, and even a toilet! Kids willlove to play with their included 2.5" Bluey figure as they help her take a nap,have a snack in the kitchen and even go to the bathroom.

The Bluey figure is articulated with moving arms and body for poseable fun!The Mini Bluey Home even comes with a carry handle for take anywhere play. Thisis a compact playset that doesn't take up too much space but is packed fullof fun!


- Recreate some of the most memorable moments from Bluey in the Mini BlueyHome playset.
- Includes 2.5" Bluey figure and 5 play pieces – 2 chairs, table, bed andtoilet.
- Play with Bluey in 3 different rooms – kitchen, bedroom andbathroom.
- Kids can take the Mini Bluey Home with them using the carry handle. Greatfor on-the-go fun!
- The Mini Bluey Home is compact in size but big in features, this fun-filledplayset is full of details!


- 1 x Playset
- 1 x Figure
- 5 x Accessories

For Ages 3 and Up

Toy Titans
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