Beyblade X: Transformers Collab Pack - Optimus Prime 4-60P vs. Megatron 4-80B

Experience the thrill of the next generation of Beyblade stadiums,launchers and tops: Beyblade X!
Beyblade X Transformers Collab Optimus Prime 4–60P and Megatron 4–80BMultipack Set which includes 2 right-spinning tops and 2 launchers (Beystadiumrequired, sold separately). Launch right into battle or reconfigure theinterchangeable blade, ratchet, and bit of tops in this Transformers CollabMultipack with those of other Beyblade X tops (sold separately) to create yourown unsurpassable Bey. Beyblade X features the X-Celerator Gear Systeminnovation to level-up your game.
When the gear of a Beyblade X top engages the rail of the Beystadium arena,it can super-accelerate into an Xtreme Dash rocketing it around the stadium.Bladers launch their tops into fierce clashes against theiropponent’s scoring points with each spin – first to score 4 points wins.Hasbro Beyblade toys with authentic Takara Tomy die-cast metal tops make greatkids gifts for boys and girls ages 8 and up.
- Assemble your top, load your launcher, and 3–2–1 Let it rip!
- Beyblade X brings the thrill of competition with a fast-paced, spinning-topbattle game.
- Beyblade X tops riding the rail allow for breathtaking bursts and colossalcrashes.
- The interchangeable layers of Beyblade X tops assemble and reassemblequickly.
- Includes 2 Takara Tomy-designed right-spin tops with authentic die-castmetal parts.
- Compete in the Beyblade X app to unleash your tops in a virtual battle!
- When the gears of the bit and stadium X-Celerator Rail meet, tops rocketforward in an Xtreme Dash reaching intense speeds (Only compatible with theBeyblade X System).
Specifications: Optimus Prime 4–60P
- Blade: Optimus Prime
- Ratchet: 4–60
- Bit: P
- Type: Balance
- Spin: Right
Specifications: Megatron 4–80B
- Blade: Megatron
- Ratchet: 4–80
- Bit: B
- Type: Stamina
- Spin: Right
- 1 x Optimus Prime 4–60P
- 1 x Megatron 4–80B
- 2 x Launchers
Suitable for ages 8 & up
Requires Beyblade X Beystadium to play.
Warning: Only use BEYBLADE X tops with a BEYBLADE XBeystadium.
DO NOT LEAN OVER STADIUM when tops are in play. Do not use stadium on tablesor other elevated surfaces. Tops may bounce up and hit eye and face.