Beyblade X: Transformers Collab Pack - Optimus Prime 4-60P vs. Megatron 4-80B


Experience the thrill of the next generation of Beyblade stadiums,launchers and tops: Beyblade X!

Beyblade X Transformers Collab Optimus Prime 4–60P and Megatron 4–80BMultipack Set which includes 2 right-spinning tops and 2 launchers (Beystadiumrequired, sold separately). Launch right into battle or reconfigure theinterchangeable blade, ratchet, and bit of tops in this Transformers CollabMultipack with those of other Beyblade X tops (sold separately) to create yourown unsurpassable Bey. Beyblade X features the X-Celerator Gear Systeminnovation to level-up your game.

When the gear of a Beyblade X top engages the rail of the Beystadium arena,it can super-accelerate into an Xtreme Dash rocketing it around the stadium.Bladers launch their tops into fierce clashes against theiropponent’s scoring points with each spin – first to score 4 points wins.Hasbro Beyblade toys with authentic Takara Tomy die-cast metal tops make greatkids gifts for boys and girls ages 8 and up.


- Assemble your top, load your launcher, and 3–2–1 Let it rip!
- Beyblade X brings the thrill of competition with a fast-paced, spinning-topbattle game.
- Beyblade X tops riding the rail allow for breathtaking bursts and colossalcrashes.
- The interchangeable layers of Beyblade X tops assemble and reassemblequickly.
- Includes 2 Takara Tomy-designed right-spin tops with authentic die-castmetal parts.
- Compete in the Beyblade X app to unleash your tops in a virtual battle!
- When the gears of the bit and stadium X-Celerator Rail meet, tops rocketforward in an Xtreme Dash reaching intense speeds (Only compatible with theBeyblade X System).

Specifications: Optimus Prime 4–60P

- Blade: Optimus Prime
- Ratchet: 4–60
- Bit: P
- Type: Balance
- Spin: Right

Specifications: Megatron 4–80B

- Blade: Megatron
- Ratchet: 4–80
- Bit: B
- Type: Stamina
- Spin: Right


- 1 x Optimus Prime 4–60P
- 1 x Megatron 4–80B
- 2 x Launchers

Suitable for ages 8 & up
Requires Beyblade X Beystadium to play.

Warning: Only use BEYBLADE X tops with a BEYBLADE XBeystadium.

DO NOT LEAN OVER STADIUM when tops are in play. Do not use stadium on tablesor other elevated surfaces. Tops may bounce up and hit eye and face.

Toy Titans
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