ABRO Protect And Peel Auto Rims - Blue


Direction of use:

1. Prepare surface by removing dirt, wax, and grease

2. Surrounding areas do not have to be masked off. After application, simply remove the product from the areas it is not desired by peeling or wiping away with a clean, dry cloth. When using ABRO Protect and Peel on wheels, it is recommended to mask off the tires and calipers. Use at temperatures between 18 ÔÇC and 32 ÔÇC and when humidity is less than 70%. Do not apply paint in direct sun or windy conditions.

3. Shake can vigorously for one full minute after mixing ball moves freely. Shake can for 10 seconds after each minute of use

4. To spray, hold can parallel and 6-10 inches from surface to be painted and use in an even, sweeping motion. Apply one thin light coat of ABRO PROTECT AND PEEL spray paint followed by 4-5 medium coats. It is recommended to apply 4-6 coats for an easy removal. The addition of more coats will increase the ease of removal even further. Allow 5 minutes between coats. Dries to the touch in 30 minutes. Can be handled in 1 hour. Recoat at any time. Covers approximately 12-14 square feet.

5. To clean a surface that has been coated with ABRO PROTECT AND PEEL, use a touchless car wash or wash by hand.

6. To remove ABRO PROTECT AND PEEL, use fingers to peel out the edge of the dried product. Continue to peel product until completely removed. For optimal peel it is recommended that ABRO PROTECT AND PEEL be removed or recoated approximately 6 months after initial application. Areas where ABRO PROTECT AND PEEL coverage was applied too light can be removed with a clean dry cloth by wiping in a back-and-forth motion.

7. After each use, invert can and spray until clear gas comes out. If spray button becomes clogged, where eye protection and wipe off surface with lacquer thinner.

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