Holi (Rose) No. 4 Deodorant

h o l i ( R o s e )
N°4 d e o d o r a n t
A SENSUAL and exotic blend of SACRED sandalwood and heart opening ROSE. The smell is intoxicating and HEALING. Sandalwood is a pheromone and acts as a natural deodorant.
The Number 4 derives its meaning from CREATION. It represents patience, trust, honesty and integrity. It vibrates with passion, drive and MASTERY.
1.7 oz
Agent Nateur products are created with non-gmo, pesticide-free, food-grade ingredients available in order to be safe for those with even the most sensitive skin. If you have a history of sensitive skin or allergic reactions, please be sure to test body products on a small area inside your wrist for 2-3 days prior to using. Agent Nateur and Tonic Room cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions to our products and cannot be held responsible should any occur. If you are sensitive to baking soda, we recommend that you try an apple cider vinegar wash prior to using our deodorant. Apply apple cider vinegar and warm water to a towel and wash your underarms before applying.
Organic coconut oil, sodium bicarbonate, beeswax, sunflower butter, avocado butter, castor oil, rose essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, love.