Single Origin - Colombia - La Primavera Yobani Huertas


Colombia - La Primavera Yobani Huertas

Flavour Notes: Stone fruits, Burnt Orange, Brown Sugar

Owner: Yobani Huertas

Varietals: Pink Bourbon

Process: Semi Washed

Altitude: 1500-1900 masl

District: Las Pavas, Huila

Brew: Aeropress, V60, Plunger, Chemex

About the bean:

Yobani Huertas bought Finca La Primavera in 2007 with the goal of building a family farm that supports his wife, daughters and himself. Located in Las Pavas, Huila, the farm is at the high altitudes of 1,500 to 1,900 meters above sea level and has ideal conditions for specialty coffee cultivation. Today, Yobani, his wife and his daughters all work on the farm, along with 10 permanent and 60 seasonal workers.

The farm is planted with Pink Bourbon, a recently studied variety that has excellent cup potential and a vaulted heritage from an Ethiopian landrace. Pink Bourbon was previously thought to be a hybrid of Yellow and Red Bourbon varieties. The variety was first identified growing in and around Huila, Colombia. Recent research has found that Pink Bourbon is in fact not Bourbon at all. Pink Bourbon mostly likely comes from an Ethiopian landrace variety.

Pink Bourbon has a stunningly high cup potential that wows coffee professionals and consumers alike. Its impressively high cup quality makes even more sense now that we understand Pink Bourbon is not simply a hybrid of two Bourbon varieties but traces to Ethiopian landraces. Its siblings include the highly-prized Geisha, which has consistently produced incredibly high cup scores. Pink Bourbon will continue to be a highly distinguished and valued variety.

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