Zinc Oxide BP


Zinc Oxide is a very useful ingredient for a wide variety of uses - it has protectant, anti-bacterial and UV blocking properties amongst others.
This grade is Pharmaceutical Grade (BP) Zinc Oxide and has a particle size around 200microns.
Common uses include;
Nappy Rash control Use between 5 - 20% in either a cream base or ointment base - for formulas!
Sunscreen May be used to make natural sunscreens in cream, ointment or balm formulas
Barrier Creams As per nappy rash/diaper creams
Ceramics Used in glazes, and in gloss control
Papermaking Used to five whiteness to paper
Calamine lotion In combination with certain iron salts
Food additive To whiten foods and also as a source of the essential nutrient Zinc (Zn).
Coatings Sacrificial coatings such a galvanizing rely on zinc to help from the protective coating

the sourcery
SKU 6835
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