Geogard Ultra / Naturagard Ultra
a powerful preservative, consisting of a naturally occurring food additive, glucono delta lactone derived from corn, and a food grade preservative, sodium benzoate (the sodium salt of benzoic acid), as well as a trace amount of calcium gluconate used as a processing agent. It is especially effective for complex formulations that are prone to separation and chemical reactions over time.
also has skin moisturisation effects, is effective from pH 3 - 7 and is GMO free.
globally accepted, Ecocert Approved and approved for Organic Skincare. It is broad-spectrum and its multi-functionality means it can be utilized in a wide variety of cosmetic products like shampoos, lotions and skin creams.
May be used for preserving all types of skincare and haircare products. Ask us for guide recipes for creams, lotions, gels, balms and more!
Use at 0.75 - 2.0% in creams and may be used at lower levels in oil blends and cleansers such as shampoos, conditioners and bodywashes.
We can also supply in larger quantites, just ask us for pricing.
for expert advice, hints, tips and tricks on using Geogard Ultra