Peppermint Essential Oil - Certified Food Grade


Botanical name: Mentha Piperata
Common name: Peppermint Piperata, Peppermint

This product is Certified Food Grade and packed under NP3 Food Grade conditions.

Many essential oils such as peppermint, lemon and orange are commonly used to flavor desserts, candies and chocolates.

Peppermint Essential Oil has many uses from food to personal care products. Common uses include:

Toothpaste: Used in toothpaste to impart a flavor for freshness

Ice Cream: Used in ice creams as a flavoring agent

Aromatherapy: Used in medicines and in aromatherapy

Pesticide: Used as a natural pesticide to kill flying and crawling insect pests

Muscle Pain reliever: Used in medicinal oils as it has properties to cure muscle pain

Acne Treatment: Used in acne treatment as it has anti-microbial properties

Anti-Itch: Used to sooth itching due to its cooling sensation

Food: Substances Used in food substances as a flavoring agent

Safety Information

There are no significant adverse side-effects of using peppermint oil. However, it may cause heartburn, nausea or mouth sores in susceptible people, when used in large quantities.

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