Butyl Glycol Ether

Butyl Glycol is a useful solvent for many uses from household cleaners to disinfectants to auto cleaners and degreasers. Also known as butyl cellosolve or butyl glycol ether (BGE), common uses include:
Hard surface cleaners: Useful for dissolving oily and greasy deposit from floors
Stain removers: Can be used in pre-spotters to remove stains
Laundry liquids; Stain remover, oil solubilizer
Degreaser: Used in conjunction with heavy duty detergents
Solvent: For paints, lacquers, agricultural products and inks
Cleaning agent: For metals and alloys
Spray cleaners: Used with mild alkaline for “Spray and Wipe" type spray cleaners.
Whiteboard cleaner: Dissolves whiteboard inks and cleans surfaces.
Defoamer: Small amounts sprayed on foam quickly breaks it down.
Antimicrobial agent: Kills microbes in water borne systems
Safety Information
Caution – flammable. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid direct eye and skin contact. Avoid inhalation of fumes or vapours.
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