Borax (sodium tetraborate)

Borax has many uses from food to personal care products. Common uses include:

- Household Uses: Used in laundry and cleaning products.

- Soaps: Used in hand washes & soaps & tooth bleaching mixes

- Food additive: Foods such as caviar, as cooking ingredient

- Gold Mining: Used for Gold extraction in small scale mining units

- Iron Welding: Borax mixed with Ammonium Chloride is used as flux while Iron & steel Welding

- Insecticide: Can be used to make Ant and Cockroach baits.

- Water Softening: Borax is often used to treat hard water

- Enamel Glazes: Important ingredient in enamel glazes

- Inedible Inks: Used in manufacturing inedible ink for dip pens

- Snake Bite Remedy: Used to treat snake bites

- pH controller: Used in swimming pools to maintain pH level of water

- Color Fires: Imparts color or green tints to color fires

- Fertilizer: Used as micronutrient fertilizer to correct boron deficient soils

- Wood rot prevention: Used to prevent wood rot and insect attack in wooden articles Safety Information
Regular use of borax for medical purposes may cause skin irritation. Exposure to Borax Dust may also lead respiratory diseases.

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