Inno Sense Full Cheek Gag Flexi Soft

The snaffle bit encourages the horse to raise its head. It is often used on horses that walk behind the bit. When taking the reins, the mouthpiece slides up and the horse gets pressure in the corners of the mouth and at the back of the neck. The bit can be used with one or two reins or with pelham straps. In most cases the bit is used with two reins, one rein is normally attached to the bit and the other reins to one of the lower rings or the end of the pull-up straps. In this way, the rider can only use the fetch effect if it is really necessary. This bit is not suitable for the inexperienced rider. The Inno Sense Flexi Soft bits are made of elastic plastic and are very flexible, which makes the bit very friendly. Despite the flexibility, an Inno Sense Flexi Soft bit is very solid due to the use of a flexible core of stainless steel. Bits from the Inno Sense collection can be used for all horses, but are particularly suitable for young horses and horses with a sensitive mouth. The plastic used is FDA approved, which means that the material is non-toxic and contains no plasticizers. Horses ridden on an Inno Sense mouthpiece follow the hand easily and take the bit quickly. The Inno Sense flexi soft is less suitable for very strong horses.