Inno Sense Curb Gag Flexi Soft


A curb gag is similar to a snaffle bit but has a different effect. The pressure is now not placed behind the ears but on the lower jaw / chin. The cord runs under the chin and the cheek pieces are attached to the extra ring at the top. This bit is effective for strong, hot horses and is mainly used by show jumpers. This bit is not suitable for inexperienced riders.

Bits from the Inno Sense collection can be used for every horse and are particularly suitable for young horses and/or horses with a sensitive mouth. The synthetic material is FDA approved, which means the material does not contain plasticizers and is non-toxic to people and animals.

Horses that are ridden with an Inno Sense bit follow the hand easily and accept the bit smoothly.

The Inno Sense Flexi Soft bits are made of elastic plastic and are very flexible, which makes the bit very friendly. Despite the flexibility, an Inno Sense Flexi Soft bit is very solid due to the use of a flexible core of stainless steel.

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