Waharua (Contact Point) - Mixed Media Print | FRAMED


Waharua Vanessa Wairata Edwards


This striking handprinted limited edition woodcut print is apart of Vanessa Wairata Edward's series titled 'Social Amnesia' - He Taonga Tonu te Wareware, Forgetfulness is to be reckoned with always.

Limited Edition (6) Woodcut Prints FRAMED
The Poi Room Has Edition Number 2/6

"Social Amnesia is a term referencing the work of Russell Jacoby, that refers to the collective forgetting by a group of people & can be a result of forcible repression of memories, ignorance, changing circumstances, or changing interests.

This often occurs after trying & difficult times for example; the coming together of two peoples, one must often relinquish its ways to that of the other either by need or force. This creates the tendency for some to ignore certain parts of history, or precedent, when discussing the present & more importantly, informing the future.

As people of varying backgrounds, we know aspects of our history, the aspects that affect us the most. However, we often fail to see the whole truth rather opting instead to accept a comfortable understanding that does not require too much reflection or explanation. This status is highly favoured by those in colonial power who go to great lengths to ensure the status quo; through lawmaking, governance &, the institutionalization of almost all aspects of life. The result is often the minority group forgetting their true history as they, generation by generation, assimilate to a new knowing of themselves. Social amnesia is encouraged to prevent unrest & possible rebellion, all the while enabling us to “move on" & let go, but who is doing the letting go here?

This work sees me developing a strong interest in the history/whakapapa of Aotearoa. I started by looking at the introduction of the printing letterpress & the effects on Māori in the 1800s as a means to explore what is happening now in terms of text, print, & printmaking & fell into the gaping holes in my knowledge in regards to Aotearoa's basic history. As a result, I have composed a series of works that instinctively download written knowledge into contemporary print formats; utilising new technologies of laser-cutters into wood, with handmade marks & graffiti spray-paint & stencils to underlay or overlay colour.

These works are by no means a resolution to the discussion nor a map to a resolution. Instead are to act like pou whakairo, tukutuku or kowhaiwhai in our wharenui, collectively activating the space to allow a response from the viewer’s knowledge & personal ideology. To reclaim who we are is to speak our truths".

Framed - Width - 590mm x Height 1000mm
Unframed - Width - 580mm x Height 970mm

Please select from UNFRAMED or FRAMED.
There will be an additional 10 days delivery for framed prints.

Please Note -
Due to Vanessa Wairata Edward's print process & approach, there may be variations within the colours and textures - making each print unique in nature. The overall essence of the print will remain the same & remain true to the visual representation seen within the imagery.

The 'in situ mockup' is merely an example of visual representation within an environment and it does not truly reflect the size of the print. Please refer to the measurements above for the exact dimensions of this work.

The Poi Room
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