Clueless - Original Painting


Clueless - Candy Clarke

Well known for her use of bold imagery and strong colour, Whakatū / Nelson-based artist Candy Clarke has used acrylic paint on perspex to create this stunning piece.

Song Lines - Candy Clarke & Serena Buonaguidid-Haynes
"When Serena and I were trying to come up with a theme or title before we began this show…I struggled to see how our work would harmonise. It was when I thought about Serenas’ paintings I found the key.
Her work to me is etherial, dreamy, a little mysterious, evoking stories and songs, fluid and lyrical. Which made me think how I use music as a constant story-telling companion.
I work alone at my home studio - my music my company. It carries me through the day and is always with me, stored in my deepest memory banks. It influences my moods and can be an immediate prompt to any place or time. It was fun to literally allow “song lines" into my painting for this show. I hope our work can arouse in the viewer, cues that can make you happy or feel like we do when we are painting."

Width - 760mm x Height - 960mm

Please do not put near a heat source or in direct sun.

The Poi Room
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