Food Cutters | Vehicles


The cute train, plane, boat and car can be used as both mini sandwich cutters AND rice shapers - and they'll also work well on pastry, cookie dough, fondant icing..even playdough!

For mini sandwiches that will fit in your bento box:
- Cut an even number of shapes from the bread (cut the filling to shape too if you are using cheese, deli meats )
- Use the stamp on half the shapes to create the vehicle details.
- Assemble the sandwiches with the plain shapes on the bottom, and the stamped shapes on the top.

For rice shapes:
- With the solid piece on the bottom and cutter on the top, pack plenty of rice into the shaper.
- Top with the stamper and press down hard to create details. Unmould the rice and..voila!

Set includes 12 pieces - a solid base, cutter, and stamper for each vehicle.

To save on waste, we recommend keeping bread offcuts in a ziplock bag in the freezer. When the bag is full, whizz bread into breadcrumbs in a food processor and store back in the bag in the freezer. You can use the crumbs from frozen for coating fish/chicken, or adding to meatball mix.

The Lunchbox Queen
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