Heart Worry Stones


These stones are perfect to fiddle with helping to relieve anxiety. Rubbing them in the indent in the centre of the stone is known to have a calming effect. Available in four different stones.

Crazy Lace Agate - Stone of optimism and transformation. Increases mental agility and concentration. Supports, encourages and elevates thoughts, increasing optimism. Stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. It is said to have a cleansing effect on all levels. Improves tissue metabolism, the elasticity of the blood vessel walls and prevents varicose veins. Third eye and crown chakras.

Moss agate - Stone of earth connection. Enables gentle grounding. Brings harmony, reduces stress and inspires hope and trust. Boosts the immune system and can work as an anti-inflammatory. Can assist midwives in their work, reducing pain and ensuring a good delivery. Can particularly be beneficial to those who work outdoors. Heart and base chakras.

Lepidolite - Stone of calm and love. The soft nurturing energies of lepidolite help one to connect to their inner being, encouraging self-love. Detoxifies emotions bringing calm and reduced dependency on others for emotional wellbeing. Soothing stone for those with personality disorders and/or psychological illnesses. Believed to assist with nerve related disorders and joint pain, also helping to strengthen the immune system. Heart, brow, throat and crown chakras.

Gold tigers eye - Stone of luck and motivation. Aids in the development of courage, strength of mind, self-confidence and optimism. Can attract good fortune. Boosts the endocrine system and can stimulate fertility. Can help relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. Can help with issues surrounding the throat, eyes, stomach, gall bladder, and helps repair broken bones. Base, solar plexuses and third eye chakras.

The Little Rock Shop
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