The Overnighter Camping/Boating Box

Staying out on the boat or going camping over night?
Everything in this Meat Pack comes vacuumed packed and can be cooked in a pan or on your BBQ.
Great for those who have limited storage space in the fridge, freezer or chillybin, but still want a little treat and there's even bacon for breakfast!
This $125 Overnighter Pack contains:
4x Gourmet Beef Burger Patties
4x 250g Scotch
6x Our Award Winning Smokey bacon & Maple Sausages
6x Our Award Winning Pure Pork Sausages
1x 330g Our Traditional Middle Bacon
1x Raptor Rubs Cowboy Steak Meat Rub Sachet - 20g
1x 362 Grillhouse Garlic Bacon Aioli
- Store:
- The Kiwi Butcher Shop
- Price:
- $105