House & Garden Soil A & B

sold and priced as a set
House & Garden Soil is a base nutrient composed of liquid nutrients and trace elements, containing no bulking agents. It is comprised of all essential mineral macro and trace elements and various chelating agents (humic and fulvic acids). These nutrients have been precisely blended to allow for rapid plant absorption.​

When preparing your nutrient container, fill it two thirds with water. First add part A of the nutrient and circulate well before adding part B of the nutrient. Adjust the pH value to harmonise with the nutrient solution.

Do not add A & B at the same time, as this will trigger a chemical reaction in the nutrient.

For best results always follow the H & G Feed Charts available as an app or details are in the growers journal in our resources section.

Dosage: from 1.5ml / 1L in the first weeks to 3ml / 1L in the middle of the flowering stage PART A N - P - K 2 - 0 - 2
PART B N - P - K 1 - 1 - 3

The Hydro Centre
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