Boveda is the global leader for 2-way humidity control, ensuring quality and correct moisture in your precious product! Ideal for ensuring perfect drying, curing and storage conditions, maintaining the quality and weight of your produce!

How Boveda Works

Our 4 gram packs are the appropriate size for smaller enclosed spaces, like small pill jars and baggies. The 4 gram size is not big enough for full size wood humidors, use our 60g packs for humidors. Boveda is scientifically engineered to maintain a precise relative humidity in an enclosed space, and our 4 gram size is available in 62 percent RH.

Each Boveda consists of a specially prepared saturated solution of pure water and natural salt. This saturated solution is contained within a water-vapor permeable “reverse osmosis" membrane. Within an enclosed container, Boveda maintains a predetermined level of (RH) by releasing or absorbing purified water-vapor as needed through the membrane.

Boveda provides the cleanest and most purified humidity of all available on the market today.

Note: Do not mix Boveda RH levels within the same container, and do not use Boveda in the same container with other humidification products. They will fight against each other and reduce the efficiency of the Boveda.

Replace when pack turns rigid.

The Hydro Centre
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