Autopot Conversion Kit to 6mm Tubing


This kit will allow you to upgrade your old autopot kits (with the 4mm tubing) and accessories to the new larger tubing of 6mm. Single kits include:

Connecting your pot/s to 6mm main tube line:

- 1 x Aquavalve5
- 1 x 6mm pipe x 0.5m length (to connect each pot to the main line)
- 1 x 6mm pipe x 3m length (to run down the middle of system)
- 1 x 6mm Tee or cross connector
- 2 x 6mm inline taps
- 1 x 6mm Top Hat Grommet
- 1 x 6mm filter

The additional kit does not include the 3m length of pipe, Top Hat Grommet, Filter or Inline Taps

Connecting your pot/s to 13mm main tube line:

- 1 x Aquavalve5
- 1 x 6mm pipe x 0.5m length (to connect each pot to the main line)
- 1 x 13mm to 6mm reducing Tee or cross connector
- 2 x 13mm inline taps
- 1 x 13mm Click Fit Tank Adaptor Filter

The additional kit does not include the Filter or Inline Taps

The Hydro Centre
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