YT - Waitī Tee


Waitī is connected to fresh water and the creatures that live within streams lakes and rives , where Waītā connects to the moana or ocean and represents kai gathered from the sea. Waitā also controls the tides and is the protector of Ngā tamariki o tangaroa or the children of the sea god tangaroa. Both Waīti and Waitā have another connection as they are said to be fraternal Twins - IN this collection we look to tell this story also with our models who are twins and who both have a deep connection and whakaapa to their awa (Whanganui) and the moana.

Te Aroha "Caitlin" Is the representation of Waitī in this collection she whakapapa to Whanganui awa (where this was shot) and her Koro and kuia are well connected to this awa, she is the Twin to " Te ao Marama "cody" but also Mama to a set of fraternal twins herself which adds yet another layer to this story.

Design wise we wanted keep the with the water theme & fishing hence the Taura in the design which is embosed.

Tee - wahine wears small - tāne wears large

hori gallery
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