hori gallery 649 views 7 clicks Claim this Business

The HORI label was created in 2012 and since has been the centre of much artistic and social debate. One of New Zealand's most controversial Mori artist
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  • $65 +
    E Hoa CrewBack by popular demand.A special re-release for Mahuru Māori - Māori Language Month, we bring back the infamous E HOA! That’s right FRIENDS !The meaning of E hoa is friend, it can be used when greeting someone, like saying hello. E hoa Mā can be used when greeting more than one friend...
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  • $65 +
    IA Tee
    Gender pronouns in pakeha are she / her, he / him, they / them.In Māori it’s just ia.Ko wai ia ? Nō Ngāti Human ia. This is the inspiration behind this tee.It was awesome talking to 2 amazing humans Beau & Nini who both identify as non binary and getting some matauranga on the topic. Thank you ...
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