Kiwiiwi Tee & Hood


The K stands for Kotahitanga - With all the Anti governance Kōrero going on in the last 6 months , I want to make this very clear to everyone - you cannot Be a Kiwi in Aotearoa with out Iwi, you can't even spell the word with out it.

so if consider yourself a Kiwi , awesome your a Kiwi - But Remember It was te Iwi Māori who allowed Tauiwi / Pākeha to be on this whenua. It is our language and our culture that Gives this land its Identity as well as its mauri.

Te Tiriti O Waitangi acknowledges that commitment and partnership, so all kiwi need to recognise that when it comes to discussions where our whenua, tangata, taonga and taiao - IWI need to have a seat at the tepu in these discussions and that co-governance is nothing to be scared of its just a a few buzz words to make the scared "kiwis" run back in to the dark ages.

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