Wedding Bouquet (Petit/Mini size) - Florists Design

After stunning Wedding Flowers for your big day? Let our talented florists design the perfect bouquet for your special event.

Our online Wedding Bouquets are florists' choice - we will select beautiful in-season flowers in your preferred colour palette and style them to Green Room perfection. Please choose your colour preference from the selection provided.

Important note; This product is a MINI or SMALL size only and will be our Florists Design any custom orders or specialty blooms required (eg Orchids, King Proteas, Preserved product or White Roses) will need to be preordered well in advance (2 weeks ) and prices will differ.

We require 48 hours notice to be able to complete your order.

Pick up from our Flower Studio located at;

The Green Room Flower Company
99 Sir Tim Wallis Drive, Wanaka 9305

We recommend picking up such items as delicate wedding flowers.

Any items needing to be couriered elsewhere will be sent at the buyer's risk and will need to be stored in a cool, dry place overnight (but not in a cold fridge)

The Green Room Flower Company
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