THE GOOD HONEY CO 17 views Claim this Business♡
$34.90Rewarewa Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand NationwideRewarewa Honey is a classic honey, amber in appearance with a rich texture that hints at a delightful caramel-malt like taste notes.The Native Rewarewa Trees (Knightia Excelsa) is located on the North Island and upper South Island regions.Due to the unique appeara...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$34.90Kamahi Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand NationwideKamahi Honey has a unique composition of complex flavours, with a lanolin aroma and an earthy flavour, this honey is creamy and pale with a smooth buttery texture and has a distinctive light bitter finish taste.Kamahi Honey is collected and made by bees from the f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$33.90Wildflower Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand NationwideWildflower Honey (Also known as Multifloral Honey) is collected from a wide variety of native bush and pastoral flowers throughout New Zealand and then blended to create a multi floral honey.Wildflower Honey has a strong flavour of combined honey types, making it ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$29.90Honeydew 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand NationwideHoneydew (also known as ‘Forest Honey’ and ‘Beech Honey’) is a unique, rich and intense tasting honey, the taste notes are strong and hold complex flavours of deep woody and savoury tastes with a toasty tang.Bees collect honeydew from various sources such ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$29.90Clover Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand NationwideClover honey is sweet honey with a taste note of mild aroma of fruit, this honey is creamy in texture and the most common type of honey in New Zealand.Clover Honey is collected and made by bees from most New Zealand pristine rural regions. The White Clover (Trifol...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0