Our Valentine's Bouquet


Our beautiful Valentine's Bouquet features a stunning collection of seasonal New Zealand grown flowers and foliage.

Only available from 8 - 15 February.

Picture is of our Sensational bouquet offering

Whilst we strive to duplicate this arrangement please understand that each bouquet is individually and lovingly made and variations will occur with flower availability and placement

We highly recommend placing your Valentine’s Day order ASAP, ideally prior to Thursday 8th February to ensure you are able to order the exact floral arrangement you want. There are limited numbers for some of the Valentine’s Day Collection items.

Due to the large volume of deliveries on Valentine’s Day we are unable to guarantee any specific time deliveries.

To avoid delays in deliveries on Valentine’s Day, please ensure all delivery addresses and contact phone numbers are correct. Please provide as much detail as possible when placing your order. For business deliveries, please include recipients name, Business/Company name, building level, address and the recipient’s phone number.

If no one is home to receive the flowers, we will leave them in a safe place. If the property has a secure gate please advise alternate means to deliver or they will be delivered in the suitable place deemed by the courier. Re-delivery or incorrect addresses will incur a re-delivery fee of $25 and we cannot guarantee it will be able to be delivered on Valentine’s Day, dependent on how fast the new delivery information is provided to The Flower Crate and location of the re-delivery address.

If you have any questions at all regarding your Valentine’s Day order or delivery, please on 078566416; and we would be more than happy to assist you.

the flower crate
0 https://www.theflowercrate.co.nz/products/9008785785125 Lavish 180.00 0 https://www.theflowercrate.co.nz/products/9008785785125 Sensational 250.00
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