Christian Support Challenge Coins
PCSN Challenge Coins were developed for the #Revive2020 PCSN conference held in Wellington. These special coins were minted to help celebrate the significance of the launch of the first ever specific Bible for Police and the first ever conference at the Royal New Zealand Police College. This is a beautifully minted coin that comes in gold or silver and its value and relevance is not limited to the 2020 conference.
On the obverse side of the coin, the top banner says, ‘NEW ZEALAND POLICE’ and the bottom banner says, ‘NGA PIRIHIMANA O AOTEAROA’ surrounding the Police crest. On the reverse side of the coin, the top banner says, ‘POLICE CHRISTIAN SUPPORT NETWORK’, with ‘EST 05’ on the centre sides, and the bottom banner says, ‘MATTHEW 5 v 9’. This is a significant verse for Police which says ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’ In side of these words is the PCSN emblem with ‘TO SUPPORT’ on top and ‘TO EMPOWER’ beneath. These values are the two key supporting pillars and focus of the Police Christian Support Network.