Ozone Coffee Arbar Oasis



Juicy with sweet fruit, the coffee starts with crisp white grape juice before yellow plum joins it as it cools. It's all wrapped up as it finishes with a dash of cream for a juicy, balanced and vibrant cup.


This coffee has been processed at the ARBAR micro mill using the White Honey process. Honey processing is somewhat similar to a Pulped Natural (but uses less water), falling somewhere in between a Washed and a Natural coffee both in terms of contact between the cherry mucilage and the bean during drying time and in the resulting flavour profile. The outer skin and fruit pulp is removed from the seed (bean) of the coffee inside, and it's left to dry.

The colour in the name refers to the amount of sticky fruit that's left on the surface of the seed after de - pulping - darker indicates more / lighter indicates less. This method can present some risk of over fermentation during processing but water is a precious commodity in this area of Costa Rica, so this method suits the location very well. Carlos definitely has the skills to pay the bills though so no worries about mucking up the Honeys at ARBAR!

The mill name "ARBAR" comes from the combined family names - Carlos ARietta and Maria BARboza - ARBAR. Their children are Yessica, Karen, Esteban & Jose Ignacio.

- Country: Costa Rica
- Region: Western Valley
- City: Lourdes de Naranjo
- Farm: El Oasis
- Producer: Carlos Arrieta
- Micro mill: ARBAR
- Altitude: 1600 masl
- Varietal: Caturra & Catuai
- Process: White Honey


- Suggested method: V60
- Dose: 15.5g
- Water: 250ml
- Time: 3 mins

- Dose: 20g
- Yield: 49g
- Time: 26 secs

To find the method that suits your kit, check out our Brew Guides.

The Coffee Collective
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