Flight Coffee Bomber - Original Blend
Bomber. The original. The one and only. If you've visited one of our customers across NZ, you'll most likely have tasted our firstborn. It all started back in 2009, when we sat around a campfire and talked about what we'd love to see in our dream blend, out there representing us in the cafes and on the streets. Big sweetness, sparkling acidity, and creamy texture were all agreed upon. And of course, a blend that black and white coffee drinkers could happily and equally appreciate.
Producer: Various small lot holders
Region: Burundi, Colombia, Timor-Leste, & Brazil
Process: Washed, Washed, Washed, Natural
Varietal: Red Bourbon, Castillo, Colombia, Castillo, Yellow Catuai, and Yellow Bourbon
Roasting Profile: Espresso / Filter - The all-rounder
Please note:
If you're selecting 500g, you will receive 2 x 250g bags.
If you're ordering 1kg, you will receive 1 x 1kg bag. More Info
Producer: ASOCAFETATAMA Santuario, Asotatama El Aguila, Entreverdes
Region: Risaralda
MASL: 1400-1900
Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
Process: Washed
The Risaralda Regional Blend is a combination coffee from the regions of Santuario, El Aguila, and Belén de Umbría, all located in the Risaralda Department. A regional blend means can maximise the effectiveness of our purchasing by purchasing much larger volumes of into New Zealand and with careful demand planning, we contract our coffee in advance of the season providing a guarantee to market for coffee producers. The blend is brought together in Santuario by the wonderful people of ASOCAFETATAMA (Coffee Association of Tatama), where the coffee from each region is blended and prepared for milling. A first payment is received at this point by producers, followed by a second payment on export. Each producer receives an above market price for their coffee at the time it is sold to us, this price is set above the C market price and is higher than other premium based models. In 2019, producers received an average household income of at least 5x greater than what the C market price provided at the time.
Producer: Izuba Coffee Company
District: Kabaroe, Kayanza Province Burundi
MASL: 1500 - 1700
Process: Washed
Varietal: Red Bourbon
Izuba meaning “sun" in Kirundi, is located in the Kabarore Commune, of Kayanza Province. The Izuba washing station is set close to a nearby river, providing a vital and regular fresh water source for coffee processing. Izuba currently produces washed and natural coffees, this honey lot was the first honey process coffee produced at Izuba last season.
The station aims to provide premiums where possible to not only the farmers, but the station staff also. Station staff are paid 25% higher than local stations; 33% more than the national average. Once the coffee has been fully processed, the remaining coffee pulp is turned into a natural fertilizer as it degrades. When ready, it is distributed to local farmers to add nutrients to their soil. Raw Material is currently working with Izuba management to develop an impact assessment plan to identify how to best address community needs.
Region: Ermera
MASL: 1700-1800
Variety: Hibrido de Timor, Typica
Processing: Washed
Having found its sovereignty in 2002, Timor-Leste is one of the world’s youngest countries. As the country finds stability, the development of the agriculture sector is rapidly becoming an important pillar for the structural transformation of the country’s economy. Timor-Leste currently faces enormous economic upheaval, as its oil reserves begin to run dry. In its place, coffee is set to become that nation’s most vital export. In Timor-Leste, our work is currently focussed namely in the municipality of Ermera. One of thirteen municipalities in the country, it is home to the largest coffee production volumes, whilst almost 60% of the municipality's population live below the poverty line. We are excited to present you coffees from the Atsabe Washing Station. This community washing station is the first of its kind in Ermera and supports the surrounding suco’s (villages) in the Atsabe region. Throughout the season cherry is collected daily, either from buying points located throughout the region or delivered directly to the station and processed at the facility.
Producer: Various small lot holders
State: Minas Gerais
Region: Mantiqueira de Minas.
Altitude: 900 - 1500 MASL
Varietal: Yello