Star Wars X-Wing: Gauntlet Fighter


The Gauntlet Fighter is a massive presence in any battle whether serving as aflagship, hard- hitting gunship, or troop dropship for Mandalorian supercommandos. Collar mounted swivel wings allow the craft to rotate in place,threatening numerous angles at once. Used by many factions from PreVizla’s Deathwatch during the Clone Wars to Clan Wren’s resistancefighters of the Galactic Civil War, this intimidating craft has flown incountless battles across galactic history.

The Gauntlet Expansion Pack contains everything you need to add a GauntletFighter to your squadrons, including a beautifully painted miniature in aclassic Mandalorian color scheme, multiple maneuver dials (for each faction),and tokens. Additionally, fourteen ship cards let you choose the pilots who flythis iconic assault ship into battle and eighteen upgrade cards invite you tocustomize your ship to fit your strategy.

The Board Gamer NZ
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