Star Wars: Unlimited - Spark of Rebellion - Two-Player Starter Pack

The two pre-built decks in this box provide everything you need tokickstart your Star Wars: Unlimited collection.
Fantasy Flight Games is thrilled to announce Star Wars™: Unlimited, abrand-new trading card game of endless possibilities!
Each deck has been carefully crafted to help you learn the game, with severalcards that show off different keywords and mechanics but overall remainingstraightforward enough so that anyone can pick one up and play. Also included inthis box are quickstart rules to help you jump into the game, all the countersand tokens you’ll use during gameplay, and even a pair of folded deck boxesthat you can use to store the starter decks (or your own decks that you build inthe future).
When you open the box, you’ll have your choice between two differentpre-built decks: one is a Luke Skywalker (Spark of Rebellion, 5) deck with theVigilance, Cunning, and Heroic aspects, and the other is a Darth Vader (Spark ofRebellion, 10) deck with the Aggression, Command, and Villainy aspects (you canread more about aspects in this article).
The decks themselves are a mixture of cards that can be acquired in boosterpacks and unique cards that can only be obtained in these starter decks. Forexample, you can find General Dodonna (Spark of Rebellion, 242) and GeneralVeers (Spark of Rebellion, 230) in Spark of Rebellion booster packs, but LeiaOrgana (Spark of Rebellion, 189) and Grand Moff Tarkin (Spark of Rebellion, 84)can only be obtained from this box.