The Board Gamer NZ Claim this Business

The Board Gamer is New Zealand's online board gaming super store! We stock a huge range of board games, card games, dice games, role playing game (RPG), trading card games (TCG) and puzzles
1 to 24 of 29
  • $39.99 +
    Lex-GO! Harry Potter Edition
    Harry Potter Lex-Go! is one ‘L’ of a super-fast word game.Race against other players to get rid of all your playing card tiles,swapping letters and even adding your tiles onto other players’ words.In this special Harry Potter edition of Lex-Go!, there are 4 spell tiles toincrease your chances ...
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  • $44.99 +
    Mini Game Party
    101 GAMES IN 1 BOX: With a variety of mental and physical challenges, nogame is ever the sameTEAMS CHANGE EVERY ROUND: One minute you're on the Blue Team throwing cubesinto a cup, the next you’re on the Red Team flicking pucks or guessing thenumber of items in a mystery boxSTAR PLAYER: It may be a...
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  • $74.99 +
    Mystic Paths (Board Game)
    In the deduction game Mystic Paths, players are challenged to navigate pathsthrough a labyrinth called the Eternal Forest. Each player's path isunique — and only you know the way. However, you cannot traverse the forestalone. Your teammates are needed to open the sealed portals along each step.Giv...
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  • $19 +
    OMG of the World: Trivia Game
    Recognise bizarre customs and weird traditions and other oddities around theworld and receive points by answering more detailed questions about them. - Includes 50 cards, pencil and scorepad- Recommended for family and young adults.
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  • $44.99 +
    Pick Your Poison (Card Game)
    The “Would you rather…?" party game.Find out which of your friends is just as messed up as you thought.Examples of Poison Cards (350 included): - Fart every time you kiss someone.- Try as hard as you can to hold every handshake for 30 seconds.- Live without music.- Be required to steal from ever...
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  • $39.99 +
    Tension - Family Edition
    Tension is a game for 2 teams of 2 or more people, in which you have1 minute to name examples of a given subject, which could be anything from‘Annoying personal habits’ to ‘Foods that are naughty but nice’.Each correct answer moves the team 1 point along the scoring track. The onlyproblem is...
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  • $69.99 +
    Ouija - Salem Edition
    A custom Ouija board featuring historical imagery from Salem,Massachusetts – “The Witch City!" Featuring fine illustrations of TheWitch House, The House of the Seven Gables, Custom House, Derby Wharf LightStation, Old Town Hall, and more – this special Ouija board sets the scenewith the city's famed landmarks.Features: - 2 Players- Ages 8
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  • $24.99 +
    Pass the Pigs
    : go hog wild with the pig-tastic game.One of the marvels of that it can be played anywhere,anytime. Players roll two pigs and attempt to have them land in differentpositions to earn points. The more difficult the position, such as the pigsstanding on their hind legs, the more points the player earn...
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  • $35 +
    Really Loud Librarians (by Exploding Kittens)
    Get ready to shush the competition in Really Loud Librarians! Thishigh-energy team party game will have you and your friends racing around theboard, shouting out words that fit a given category. But there's a catch –each word must begin with a specific letter on the track.With 60 different categor...
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  • $69.99 +
    The Red Dragon Inn 3 (Board Game)
    You and your ever-expanding party of adventuring companions have spentanother day slogging through the dungeon, killing monsters and taking theirstuff. Now you’re back in town, healed up, cleaned up, and ready once again toparty at the Red Dragon Inn.Drink, gamble, and roughhouse with your friends...
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  • $69.99 +
    Red Dragon Inn 7: The Tavern Crew (Cards)
    Serving up drinks and hospitality to the hardy adventurers of Greyport is anexciting, often difficult, and always thirsty task! The Wench finally joins theparty at The Red Dragon Inn, and she’s bringing the rest of the tavern crewwith her! Now the staff can kick back with a mug of ale, a fist of d...
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  • $49.99 +
    Relist It! Game
    It's a race to rearrange in the game all about putting things back in theircorrect order! Players have two minutes to bring order to chaos from either agroup of topics or anagrams. Earn points for each correct answer and additionalpoints for a fully ordered Card. Be the player with the highest score...
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  • $39.99 +
    The Resistance - Avalon (Card Game)
    The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of good and evil in a battle tocontrol the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, apromise of prosperity and honour, yet hidden among his brave warriors areMordred’s unscru­pulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number buth...
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  • $25 +
    The game is the fast-thinking game of words and categories.Players roll the letter die, flip the sand timer, and race against the clock tocome up with answers to each category on the category list. Score points forwriting down answers that no one else did. The more creative the answers, themore points scored!12 , 2–6 players.
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  • $39.99 +
    Scrabble: Original
    Scrabble is the classic board game that always spells F-U-N. Consisting ofinterlocking words, crossword fashion, onto a playing board, Scrabble gamechallenges players to spell out words using letter tiles with various scorevalues. The object of the game is to get the highest score, and scores are gi...
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  • $49.99 +
    Snake Oil (Party Game)
    In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a special talent, gettingthe most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious products. Now it's yourturn! Invent your own zany two-word products – Rumor Mirror! BurpBalloon! – and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If theround's customer ...
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  • $23 +
    Star Wars Lex-GO!
    Lex-GO! is one ‘L’ of a super-fast word game!Race against other players to get rid of all your playing card tiles bycreating words, swapping letters and even attacking other players’ words.This game comes in a cool, portable bag which makes it the perfect game foron-the-go and any holiday!Lex-GO! is great fun for any age, including the whole family.
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  • $59.99 +
    Super 00s
    Grab your flip phones and frost those tips as you re-enter the world of the2000’s in this totally radical board game featuring fascinating triviaquestions on 00’s music, T.V., movies, sport and cultural affairs!Features: - 2 Players- Ages 12
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  • $34.99 +
    Classic game of unspeakable fun: want a great party game that makes peoplelaugh. Check out the taboo board game – FAST paced, fun game for large orsmall groups. For 4 or more players ages 13 and up.Food and drink cards: This exclusive edition of the taboo board game includes450 game cards, includi...
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  • $44.99 +
    Tapple (Board Game)
    Tapple is the award-winning, fast paced word game that gives players a rushof excitement as they race to beat the clock! Challenge friends and family totap letters of the portable wheel as you come up with words for variouscategories before the ten-second timer runs out! Just say a word, beat the ti...
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  • $55 +
    Telestrations: 12 Player Party Pack
    Telestrations is the visual version of the classic “telephone game" whereyou draw what you see, then guess what you saw to reveal hilarious outcomes! Theoutcomes are unpredictable and the laughter is contagious!Game Components: - Over 2,000 words- 12 erasable sketchbooks- 12 dry erase markers- 12 clean-up cloths.Suitable for ages 12 years and up
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  • $44.99 +
    The Original Telestrations (Party Game)
    The award-winning sketch, pass, guess, laugh-out-loud fun game thathas players simultaneously draw what they see. Easy to play and lotsof fun!Telestrations is the “Telephone Game" turned into the #1 LOL party game!Award-winning Telestrations will keep your family and friends entertained andlaughin...
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  • $44.99 +
    Telestrations: Upside Drawn (Party Game)
    It's Telestra­tions, but Upside Down!This take on the award-winning Telestrations game gives a whole new meaningto laugh out loud miscommunication. Telestrations: Upside Drawn puts a teamworkspin on The Telephone Game Sketched Out" by putting the pen in oneperson's hand, and control of the board in...
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  • $47.99 +
    Time's Up! The Celebrity Charades Game
    Time's Up! is a charades-based party game for teams of two or more players(and is best with teams of two). Before the game begins, each player looks atseveral cards featuring famous historical or fictional characters and choosessome of them. Each player's cards are shuffled to form a deck, and this ...
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