Top Trumps: Harry Potter - Witches & Wizards
Top Trumps brings you, 30 great Witches and Wizards, from J.K.Rowling's Wizarding World!
It’s the ultimate magical battle as the greatest magical characters fromthe Harry Potter series come face-to-face in this new game, with rankingsincluding Fear Factor, Family Tree, and their First Year at Hogwarts.
- Fun educational card game to bring your favorite Harry Potter witches andwizards to life.
- Play Top Trumps anytime, anywhere, with as many people as you want.
- Find out who has the longest wand length, or if Harry Potter or Voldemorthas the highest Top Trumps rating.
- The easy-to-carry plastic sleeve means there are no limits tothe game.
- Get ready to defeat your opponents, discover exciting new facts and striveto become Top Trump.