Codenames: Marvel (Card Game)

Codenames: Marvel combines the hit social word game Codenames while featuringcharacters and locations from the Marvel Universe including Spider-Man,Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers and Doctor Strange. Opposing teams,S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, compete to be the first to identify all of theirteam’s ‘field agents’ from 25 Code cards displayed in a 5×5 grid. Codecards contain pictures on one side and words on the other.
In Codenames, two teams compete to see who can guess all of their wordscorrectly first — but those words are hiding in plain sight in a 5×5 gridthat includes the words of the other team, neutral words, and an assassin thatwill cause you to lose the game immediately if you guess it. One person on eachteam is a spymaster and only these two know which words belong to each team.Spymasters take turns giving one-word clues that can point to multiple words onthe board. Their teammates try to guess words of the right colour while avoidingthose that belong to the opposing team — and everyone wants to avoid theassassin.
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